Port Business

Commission Meeting Schedule

The Commission of the Port District of Coupeville meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Jim Davis House, Greenbank Farm, Greenbank WA. If you would like to be notified of upcoming meetings please send a short note and your email address to [email protected]. The agendas for public meetings will not be emailed, but will be posted on this website a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting start time.

Meeting Schedule

Meetings start at 10 AM on the second Wednesday of each month and 1 PM on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Open Public Meetings

Community, staff, and the Board of Commissioners can attend meetings remotely, or at our physical location at the Jim Davis House, Greenbank Farm, 765 Wonn Road, Suite E, Jim Davis House, Greenbank, WA, 98253.

Please join using the following Zoom Link and Credentials:

Join via Link

Zoom Meeting Link:

Port of Coupeville Open Public Meeting 2nd Wednesday 


Passcode: 880432



Port of Coupeville Open Public Meeting 4th Wednesday 


Passcode: 237266


Join via Phone

Phone: +1-253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 471 532 9291

Passcode: 896163

There will be two (2) public comment periods during all 2023 Open Public Meetings, unless otherwise posted on the agenda. Please email the Executive Director with comments you wish the Board to review prior to the meeting: [email protected].

Public Meeting Recordings

You can watch all public meetings on the Port of Coupeville YouTube page.

January 8th, 2024

January 22, 2024

Port Business Document Library

Meeting Documents

The Commission of the Port District of Coupeville meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The meetings are held via ZOOM and at the ​Jim Davis House, Greenbank Farm, 765 Wonn Road, Suite E in Greenbank. The first meeting of the month starts at 10 AM, with a work session that starts at 9:45 AM.

The minutes posted on this website have been approved and released by the Board of Commissioners. Questions and comments on these minutes may be addressed to the Executive Director at [email protected].