Invitation to Bid
Port of Coupeville
Emergency Coupeville Wharf Bulkhead Repair (No. 2024-03)
BIDS DUE: MAY 16, 2024 BY 3:00 PM
Project Budget: $130,000
Project Summary:
Repair the existing rock bulkhead and piling repair on the Port of Coupeville Shoreline.
Notice to Bidders:
Port of Coupeville invites all interested bidders to submit bids to the Port of Coupeville’s Project Manager via email at: by May 26, 2024, at 3:00
Approximately 15 min after the bid due date/time bids will be read aloud at a Zoom Meeting.
Bidding Documents:
Can be found at or by emailing
Pre-Bid Meeting/Site Walk:
Interested bidders are invited to walk the site. Please schedule a time with the project manager, Mary Hogan at 360 222 3051 or emailing
Bidder Responsibility:
To be eligible for award, bidders must be able to provide evidence of the following:
- Proper licensure and registration as a contractor in the State of Washington.
- Not be precluded from bidding public works projects.
- Not debarred or suspended
- Provide USL&H Insurance for work over the water.
Supplemental Bidder Responsibility:
- 5 years, or more, repairing or building bulkhead/seawalls.
Advertisement/Publication: May 1, 4, 8, 11.