The Great Seed Swap

Greenbank Farm, Historic Barn A 765 Wonn Road, Barn A, Greenbank

Share seeds, learn, and repair your gear! March 24th at Greenbank Farm 11 am - 3 pm FREE - Bringing seeds is not required to attend but seeds to share are much appreciated! We'll provide envelopes to transfer seeds, but feel free to bring your own containers. Featuring educational booths to help with your garden questions from WICD, Heavy Nettle Collective, Black Girl Country Livingbreathwork and meditation sessions, WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program, WSU Extension, Whidbey Island School Gardens, and more! Vendors including: Arrows Aimsoil bar & propagation demo Celerity Cyclesbicycle repair Chef in the Black Bandana Street Food Frosty's Fine Edgestool sharpening